Hope through the Eyes of Youth: Making a Difference through Stories

cover of sneha sees snowfall storybook

In a world often dominated by headlines of environmental crisis and climate change, it's easy to overlook the silver lining: the proactive and visionary efforts of the younger generation.

They aren't just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the changemakers of today. One such young visionary is Arjun Khullar, a dedicated student from UWC who is also a passionate volunteer at the Centre for a Responsible Future (CRF).

For his school project, Arjun embarked on a mission to make a difference, producing a series of three poignant storybooks and a short video. In his documentary entitled Generation 1.5, we witness the awareness of the youth of Singapore regarding environmental issues and their willingness to make a positive change.

Watch it on YouTube:

Meanwhile, each one of his books is infused with his distinctive narrative voice, shedding light on pressing environmental issues while emphasising solutions and the power of collective action.

Sneha Sees Snowfall

Set around 80 years in the future, this story features insightful and hopeful conversations about the effects of climate change that led to snowfall being a miraculous occurrence in Sneha's town.

Manini Learns About Mangroves

In her quest to know more about why they do not live in their ancestral house, Manini learns about the importance of mangrove trees and the lessons learned by her village when it was once devastated by floods and strong cyclones.

Tanuj Finds a Tiger

A moving tale about a boy named Tanuj who felt inspired to share the story of wildlife conservation with his friends, it reminds us of how we can always take steps to inspire action within our own circle of influence.

The commitment and talent displayed by Arjun in these creations stand as a testament to the hope instilled within our youth. They understand the weight of the challenges we face but, more importantly, they hold an unwavering belief in the brighter future they can shape.

We are proud to feature Arjun Khullar's masterpieces on our website, not just as a reflection of his dedication to CRF and the environment but as a beacon of hope, showcasing the immense potential and promise of the next generation.


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